Making Oregon the Best Place to Be a Kid
What services does our organization provide?
The Children’s Institute shapes early childhood policy, secures public investments for early childhood programs and services, and works with school communities to strengthen early learning for children and teaching practices for educators.
We’re making Oregon the best place to be a kid.
Children’s Institute has always worked passionately to improve outcomes for Oregon’s kids. Since our founding in 2003, we’ve come to know that a brighter future for our state rests on a foundation of love and care for every child and family. Love sometimes requires a reckoning.
We have to grapple with a difficult truth: many policies and practices designed to address economic inequity do not meet the needs of children of color and children living in rural communities.
We’re committed to shifting these systems toward justice. And we invite you to join us.
Children’s Institute Strategic Plan 2022-2025

Why Do you Work with Get Lagos Now?
Get Lagos Now gives us peace of mind and provides expertise when it comes to website security, development, UX-UI, stability, ADA compliance, and SEO. This work happens behinds the scenes but is essential for helping our online presence shine.
Thank you, GLN!