Event Results – This year we’re happy to report that we received over 35 laptops and 27 I-phones. We look forward to looking into these electronics more carefully and finding out which ones can be revived and given back out to our receiving non-profits in 2023/2024!!
2023 Donations
Two laptops to Blanchet House & Farm – At the farm location.
Two cellphones and two laptop donation to Rose Haven
Two desktops and one laptop to Raphael House.

Be the E-Recyclingpdx.com donor that WINS this 2-Night Suite stay at Embassy Suites in downtown PDX! Join us at Rose Haven – https://rosehaven.org – on August 26th between 10am – 4p and come bring your old laptops and cellphones to be safely refurbished and donated!!
Come listen to Rainezra perform between 12p - 2:30p!!!
Join us on August 26th at 11am at Rose Haven and come hear Linda Nilsen, from Health Plans of Oregon tell us more about the ways we can take care of ourselves and those we love.

Join us on August 26th at 11:30am at Rose Haven,
and come hear Debra Porta from Pride Northwest tell us more
about the many ways Pride Northwest is doing good for our community.
Event Pics
Donation Snapshots 2022-2023